Plant Audits & Bid Assistance
Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.
We work with clients, providing exceptional consulting services that are catered specifically to their needs. Take a look below at the services we offer and get in touch to achieve immediate results.
Plant Audits & Gap Analysis
Expert Guidance
Review and assess current water treatment operations, chemical treatment, and conditions. Â Present a gap analysis comparing to best industry's practices and ways to optimize treatment and operations to assure reliability, water and energy savings.

Bid Assistance
The Path to Success
Work with the client to help and assist in any bid development for utilities equipment and water treatment projects.  Help develop bid specifications and assist in the decision of the future potential provider.

Water & Energy Savings Identification and Implementation
A Comprehensive Approach
Work as partners to identify areas where water and energy savings are possible. Â Project management and implementation can be included as well.